5 And 5 Make a Perfect 10 in Your Relationship

If successful relationships like love and marriage are a matter of give and take, what things matter most from men and women? Here are five things for each that top the list to create a great relationship! Are you willing to try adding the numbers to arrive at a whole and rewarding 10 together?
What Women Treasure Most in Their Man
1) He is sensitive enough to know that loving you as you are makes a firm statement to everyone who matters to both of you. This means never making disparaging comments to you or anyone else about you, your appearance, your beliefs or your performance as a partner.
2) If he met you after you had children he would never entertain the idea of asking you to choose between him and your children. He makes an extra effort to make all of the family feel secure; not just securing the family home, but secure in his love for the entire family.
3) He is comfortable with your intellectual differences and respects your right to have and defend a different opinion. His responses are gentle and non-judgmental even if he disagrees.
4) He carefully notes your financial position and offers assistance without making you feel small for needing it. He is encouraging about the things you accomplish with the funds you do have access to on your own, and is proud of your ability to assume the responsibility for them.
5) He understands that lying is a form of cheating and would never do either; he showers you with respect as an individual and as his partner.
What Men Love From Their Woman
1. He loves to feel appreciated; voicing your appreciation for his extra efforts makes the excess time he spends earning his income seem worthwhile.
2. He loves feeling like you still find him attractive, masculine and desirable. Men still equate love with sexual desire; letting him know he is desirable means reinforcing the fact that you still love him.
3. He wants to feel like you are proud of his accomplishments and his position, regardless of whether he is a ditch digger or a rock star. Recognize that what he does is not who he is and both are a source of pride for you.
4. Be clear when you want something from him. Don't leave him guessing and then get angry when he did not guess correctly. Men like bullet points in meaningful conversations that clearly state the desired goal; then they understand them. Don't misjudge his intentions without allowing him to explain what he believed you wanted from him.
5. Spend quality time alone with him and be sincere and sensitive about responding to what he says he needs. Allowing your man to always take the back seat in his needs and desires makes him feel unimportant, his opinions unwanted.
There we have it! Five simple things we can incorporate into our relationship; if both partners will make the effort, there's a good chance you will become a perfect ten as a couple!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8707461